Cultivate Higher Sentiments

Communications—How Shall it be Done?

Messers Editors:

In the Voice of Industry of October 15th is a communication headed? Who are the real producers? And signed G.R. Boston, in which it is stated that “in the first place we must do something to check this insatiate spirit of avarice that is making slaves of so many of our citizens – This spirit requires as strong a rein as it does south of “Mason and Dixon’s line.” Now, then, another question comes up, “how shall this spirit of avarice, so infamous, so degrading, so wicked, and so full of all evil, be kept within the bounds of reason and common sense?” Declaiming against any evil will never remove it, for if it would all evil would have been removed long ago.

Avarice is the undue exercise of our selfish propensities, and sentiments, and so long as these are thus exercised and perverted, and wealth holds its present position in society, giving its possessor that distinction and emolument which is unattainable by other means; so long will avarice continue “making slaves of so many of our citizens,” Nor will all the “strong reins” that human ingenuity can invent “hold in check this insatiable spirit” so long as these stimulants and incentives continue. But remove these and it will “check” itself. Cultivate the higher sentiments and faculties, and cease this fawning adulation of wealth and “this spirit of avarice” will die of itself.

According to this principle the answer to the above is very simple. We must commence acting as well as talking. The laws of life and health must be studied and obeyed. The constitution of the human mind must be understood, and our conduct based upon its laws. The distinction between man and man must not be the extent of his acres – not the measure of his possessions; - but the measure of his mind. A person must be estimated according to his character. Instead of “the greatest good of the greatest number” “the greatest good of the whole,” must be our motto. Increased attention must be bestowed upon our higher faculties. A higher taste must be cultivated. And as example is better than precept, we must practice as well as preach.

To those who have but little time to devote to study I would recommend, Physiology, Animal and Mental; Self-culture and Perfection of Character; Memory and Intellectual Improvement; by O.S. Fowler. The three works form a consecutive series, in the order in which they are named, and are sold for fifty cents apiece. Probably the same information upon the subjects of which they treat could not be obtained elsewhere for three time the money.

South Reading, Nov. 1847.


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