

Walking is the most perfect exercise for the human body; every artery, from the head to the externalities, propels the blood quicker and more equally in walking than in any other exercise. The blood is drawn from the head and upper parts, where it is most slow and languid and is circulating with rapidity to every part.


The Best Requisites

He who sedulously attends, pointedly asks, calmly speaks, coolly answers, and ceases when he has no more to say, is in possession of some of the best requisites of man.


Drunk with Vanity

Some men think they are sober because they forswear spirits. Many people get fuddled with love, more get drunk with vanity, while passion trips up one’s heels and transforms him into a beast. Reason is your only teetotaller.


Laws of Health.

Diet. – Natural food; wholesome in quality; moderate in quantity; simple and frugal; eating to satisfy nature, not a disordered appetite.

Labor: – Exercise a part of every day; useful employment; no idle moments; no laziness; producing sufficient to supply the comforts of life; and general cultivation of the earth.

Pure Air.– Ventilation of sleeping apartments; sitting rooms; working rooms; loose dress; expansion of lungs; oxygenation of the blood.

Cleanliness.– Daily ablution and frequent changing of apparel; cleanliness of houses, yards, cellars, streets, farms and the land in general.


The Mechanic

We would not have him limit his range of thought to the mechanical rules of his peculiar employment, or circumscribe the movements of his mind to narrow channels, but labor to acquaint himself with the whole science of government, and everything connected with the nature and business of men, for without this, he will find himself powerless to resist the intriguing or disciplined politician.

The American mechanic from whose labor the wealth and conveniences of society recognize its pride and defence, if he is an American in feeling and interest, and if he employs his time as he ought to employ it, between his professional duties and the maintenance of his family, the improvement of his mind, and the exercise of his political rights, is the highest order of man.

We would ask, what have mechanics not done? Have they not opened the secret chambers of the mighty deep, and extracted its treasures, and made the raging billows their highways, on which they ride on a tame steed? Are not the elements of fire and water chained to the crank, and at the mechanics’ bidding compelled to turn it? Have not mechanics opened the bowels of the earth, and made its products contribute to their wants? The forked lightning is their plaything, and they ride triumphant on the wings of the mighty wind. To the wise they are the floodgates of knowledge.

Possessed of all these qualities, with all these noble attainments, would he not rise in the scale of being? Who so worthy of honor? Who so deserving of his power and that of his fellow laborers, is produced all that is valuable and beautiful; and is he not entitled to enjoy that which his hands have produced, or must it all be swallowed up to satiate the minions of capital? Say, workingmen of the north, are you prepared for all this? Will you yield without a struggle, or will you resist the oppressor, and leave to your posterity the rights, as well as the name of the freemen.

—Lynn True Workingman.



Compassion is an emotion of which we ought never to be ashamed. Graceful, particularly in youth, is the tear of sympathy, and the heart that melts at the tale of the woe. We should not permit ease and indulgence to contract our affections, wrap us up in selfish enjoyment; but we should accustom ourselves to think of the distress of human life, of the solitary cottage, the dying parent, and the weeping orphan. Nor ought we ever to sport with pain and distress in any of our amusements, or treat even the meanest meanest insect with wanton cruelty.



Good-humour, as it is often the most effective, is also the cheapest virtue. Nothing is more easy that a smile or look of kindness while the want of it has made the world a dessert. Well has the poet designated it when he speaks of—“that best portion of a good man’s life, His little, nameless, unremembered acts, Of kindness and love.”



Be punctual

Be punctual in all your engagements and never make a promise that you do not fulfill. No person ever prospered who was in the habit of putting off a more convenient season the duties of to-day. Be on your guard at all times.

“Sun delays – they breed remorse,
Take they time, while time is lent thee;
Creeping snails have weakest force.
Fly their fault, lest those repet thee;
Good is the best when soonest wrought,
Lingering labor comes to nought.”

We might quote the familiar lines of Young “Procrastination is the thief of time.” and also “Be wise t-day; ‘tis madness to defer.”

If it would be of any avail. We are certain no young man will ever become distinguished or wealthy, who has contracted the habit of delaying important business. It is of the utmost importance, in all your dealings – in every situation in life – that you should be prompt, punctual and ever ready to take hold of anything beneficial to yourselves or others.


Keep Cool

Coolness is a rare virtue; who possesseth it? Let a man step on your toes – or your corns, if you please – and what is the result? You know. Would it not be better and wiser to be calm and cool, and not swear? You knock your elbow; the pain is severe. – Why do you rave? On a dark night you run against a post; but what avails the flash of anger? You are called a cheat and a villain. Be cool, and let the accuser prove it, if he is worth noticing; if not, let him go. But never retaliate. The man who is not in the wrong, seldom uses harsh words and provoking sentences. “Let not the sun go down on your wrath.” The is wisdom in that sentence; remember it. Keep cool.



Virtue and not lineage is the only ground of nobility. Beggars have descended from kings and kings have in turn descended from beggars; and both kings and beggars have sometimes been virtuous and noble hearted, and sometimes vicious and mean spirited; he who is virtuous, whether a king or a beggar, is the only true nobleman.


Never Go Back

Never go back – never, What you attempt, do with all you strength. Determination is omnipotent. If the prospect is somewhat darkened, put the fire of resolution to your soul and kindle a flame that nothing but the strong arm of death can extinguish.



Genius is to be met with everywhere, in all classes of life, and where it takes root, it is likely to flourish; but if it lies uncultivated, it is buried.



No Faults?

The greatest of all faults is to believe we have none.



There are no oaths in the Choctaw tongue. When an Indian swears he can only employ English expressions of profanity the very worst kind of profanity in use.


Intellectual Pleasures

When a young man has acquired a love of reading, and of course a healthful relish for intellectual pleasures he has become possessed of one of the best preservatives against intemperance. A fondness for low company, and intemperate pleasure is most generally the consequence of ignorance and a want of taste.


Preventing Wisdom

Some men, by affecting to be wise, actually prevent themselves from becoming wise; for he who labors to make others think he knows more than he does, necessarily takes a position beyond their power to instruct him.


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