
Should We Keep Quiet
about Slavery?

Mr. Editor:—Having received intimation from my friends in your place, that should I happen there while our pro-slavery friends from the South are visiting there, I must keep quiet on the subject of slavery, if I wish to keep in their good graces, as they do not like to hear anything against their "peculiar institutions."

Lest our pro-slavery friends should return to the South without having heard one word of anti-slavery truth, I hope they will pardon me, if through your invaluable sheet, I should offer a few ingenuous remarks on a subject which I fear has never been very fully presented to them. Were I to attempt to move the heart of the slave holder and call forth his sympathies for those he so unjustly and inhumanly tyrannizes over,—would be folly—I can only utter what has already been reiterated throughout the length and breadth of the land, on this and the other side of the Atlantic.

There is a depth in slavery beyond the reach of any, but those who have been made the recipients of its honors—words have not the power to express its meaning. Were we to listen to that fugitive from the galling chains and fetters of the South, Frederick Douglass, whose eloquent appeals have caused the tear of sympathy to course down the furrowed and blooming cheek of thousands who have listened to the sad recital of his woes, we should see but the shadow, while the substance of slavery lies beyond the power of description, were we to imagine ourselves reduced to a level with the brutes— robbed of self, and all that elevates mankind above the lower order of creation, our very soul would shrink at the idea, and life itself appear loathsome.

Consider and contrast the condition of the slave with that of your own; while you enjoy the liberty of conscience, and possess all the natural and endearing relations of human existence, the slave who is made in the image of the God who "made of one blood all the nations of the earth," is denied the rights, aye the name of human beings—are bought and sold like cattle—families scattered, and hearths made desolate—infants torn from the fond embrace of a mother and sold by the pound!

—A Factory Girl


A Mile of Girls

It will be seen, says the Free State Rally, that the women of Lowell, God bless them, who have signed the remonstrance against the extension of slavery, if they were to join hand in hand, would stretch more than a mile. Probably not a few of them are the young women , called "white slaves" at the South, who work in the factories. They have signed the remonstrance from no selfish edification, but from pure, heaven-inspired sympathy for the oppressed slave.


Anti-Slavery Lectures

The County Liberty Committee desirous of affording all practicable facilities for the diffusion of anti-slavery principles, and the organization of the Liberty party in the several towns in Essex County have requested Rev. G.G. Strickland of Amesbury, to lecture in such places as may need his services; and he has consented to do so, as far as his other duties and engagements will permit. The Committee have confidence in the ability of Mr. S. to do justice to the great and good cause; and they commend him to the attention, hospitality and liberality of their friends.

—Liberty Advocate


Frederick Douglass

Frederick Douglass lectured in the City Hall last evening. He will speak at the same place this evening. 


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